Headteachers Welcome
Dear All
Thank you for visiting our website. I am extremely proud to be the headteacher of High Clarence Primary School. The following statements outline our role and purpose in education.
High Clarence Primary School is proud to work in partnership with families, governors, local community and external agencies, in order to secure the best education possible for our children. This is done through access to a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum which both supports and challenges the learning of all children. A quality education has the power to change lives.
It is recognised that the children need to be confident, flexible, resilient and able to meet challenges in subsequent stages of their life. This above all else drives the school’s commitment to maximize educational achievement and attainment. School works with the community in order to help children and their families encompass the values of spiritual, social, moral and cultural development. Through ensuring effective teaching of SMSC, school will actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect of and tolerance of different faiths, cultures and beliefs, including those of no faith. School has a responsibility to raise our children to become caring and compassionate citizens engaged in their community and with a strong sense of responsibility towards others.
Our future lies in our youth; in nurturing an educated, engaged, caring and empowered generation of young people.
If you would like any further information about our school, would like to visit or have any suggestions that would make our website even better, please get in touch with me
Mrs Nicola Caraher