Welcome to Class 2.

There are currently 19 children in Class 2, 12 Year 2 children and 7 Year 1 children. Our class teacher is Miss Reay and our teaching assistants are Mrs McGreal and Mrs Burns

Learning in Class 2 is fun! We have lots of brilliant games, practical activities and resources to support our learning. We have several areas in our classroom where we can write, draw, construct models, take on roles or read quietly on our Reading Bed.

Our topics are very creative and are planned using Cornerstones Educational resources. This year our topics will include:

Autumn 1

Spring 1

Summer 1

School Days

History focus

Muck, Mess and Mixtures

Art and Design focus

Street Detectives

History focus

Autumn 2

Spring 2

Summer 2

Bright Lights, Big City

Geography focus

Enchanted Woodland

Science focus

Land Ahoy

Science focus

In Class 2 we have weekly spellings and a Mathematics activity to complete at home. Topic homework is given out half termly and involves choosing an activity each week which is based on our topic.

We love to share our work on Seesaw and hope that you will do the same from home.  We will have access to lots of online programs to support our learning in English and Maths, the passwords for these will be available in our homework folders.

We take reading books home every night to read with our parents as well as spellings to practise and ee need to remember to read at least three times a week at home and when we do we get to choose a prize from our class prize box.

Learning Showcase