Welcome to Class 4!

In Class 4 this year there are 16 children.  We have 9 Year 5’s and 7 Year 6’s. 

Our teacher is Mrs Brown and our teaching assistant is Miss Morris. 

Reading is an important part of our school life; we must try to read at least three times a week at home.  If we do, we will receive a raffle ticket and be entered in the weekly prize draw on a Friday.  Amazing prizes to be won!! 

Children are encouraged to use Reading Plus at home as it improves fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, stamina, and motivation.

We practise spellings three times a week in school during our SCODE lessons and we send home word lists and fun games to practise and embed our spellings.

We will also send home a fun ‘Infinity quiz’ each Friday which the children can access using a QR code or on paper.  The quiz will consolidate that week’s learning.

It is important that the children complete spelling and maths homework every week.

We have lots of lunchtime and after school clubs on offer from drawing club to roller skating, there’s something for everyone!

The Year 5’s and some extra lucky Y6’s will also have the opportunity to visit Derwent Hill this year for a 5 day residential.  Mrs Caraher is so excited.

Learning Showcase