Welcome to Class 4!

There are currently 25 children in Class 4, 10 Year 6’s and 15 Year 5’s. Our teacher is Mrs Brown and our teaching assistants are Mrs Main and Miss Morris.

In Class 4 we learn about lots of interesting and important things. This year’s topics are:

Autumn 1

Spring 1

Summer 1

A Child’s War – History Focus

Frozen Kingdoms – Geography focus

Beast Creator – Science focus

Autumn 2

Spring 2

Summer 2


Darwin’s Delights – Science focus

Hola Mexico – Music focus

Scream Machine – Science focus

In Maths we use Power Maths which uses concrete, pictorial and abstract methods of teaching.  It also uses small steps and has an emphasis on reasoning.  The children are encouraged to work in pairs which helps with their confidence.  We also use computer programs, websites and games to help us understand.  The Year 6’s will also be working hard towards their SAT’s.

This year Class 4 are lucky enough to be learning Spanish!!!  Hurra!!

We need to remember to read at home at least three times a week. If we do then a raffle ticket is entered into our weekly reading raffle.  There are amazing prizes to be won!

We also need to practice our spellings weekly on Spellingframe.

Each week we need to do at least one piece of homework.  We can also use TT Rockstars and other websites.  For more practical work we can choose something from the homework sheet.

Learning Showcase