Welcome to Early Years

Our teacher is Mrs Woodall and our teaching assistants are Mrs Bingham and Mrs Hancock.

In Early Years we love to learn through play and first hand experiences.  Our wonderful indoor and outdoor areas enable us to explore, investigate, discover, create, practise, repeat and consolidate our developing knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes. 

Lots of our learning comes from our own fascinations and interests and our teachers support us to develop as individuals. Lots of exciting things happen in Early Years.  We have focus stories and rhymes each half term and we have daily phonics and maths sessions.  Funky Feet is on a Tuesday and Reception children have PE on a Tuesday afternoon. We have regular baking sessions and learn to prepare simple food such as sandwiches and smoothies.  We have a sensory den when we need time to relax, talk, self- regulate and feel calm.  Each day we have a snack station which we access independently. 

We have mini themes each half term. This year they are:

Autumn 1

Spring 1

Summer 1

Me and My Community

Once Upon a Time

Why can’t I have chocolate for breakfast?

Autumn 2

Spring 2

Summer 2

Starry Night

Are Eggs Alive?

Sunshine and Sunflowers

(Please look at our Early Years Curriculum Framework for more detail.)

We will also learn about lots of festivals and celebrations from around the world and the changes of the seasons as they happen.

Our teacher and teaching assistants keep in touch with our mams and dads via Seesaw to show them all of the wonderful learning we have been doing at school. Each week Maths Monster (Nursery) and Bear (Reception) go home with our ‘Stars of the Week’. It would be great if you could send us a photo via Seesaw so your child can share and talk about their time with them. 

Proud Clouds are shared with parents so our teachers and friends get to hear about the amazing things we are learning to do at home or the times when we have made our parents feel very proud.  These are displayed in our entrance.  Nursery children have the opportunity to borrow a library book weekly to share at home.  The Reception children will have a book to take home and share each night and a sound book as they progress with their early reading skills.   

Learning Showcase